The Flaming Hearse

What I am all about

New Stuff

My friends and I

Tug the Leash(contact)

From Tame to Flame(progress)

Where to go(links)

Evil Cars

Necronomicon coloring book(guestbook)

Evil cars part II

Bob's Twisted Reality..........The Flaming Hearse

The site is gettin more work done to it, but I am still far from done. I got a pic of my gf up on the friends and I section and also a pic of my old band buddies, the wolfpac, who are doin quite well. Also a pic of my soon to be second additon to my hearse collection on the evil cars part 2 part of the page.....enjoy

Well, I have had some free time, so the site will be getting a little revamping, with much more to come

UPDATE! I am getting plenty of pics scanned, and the site will be filling up some more.

This page is going to be about myself and my hearse. I plan on putting flame throwers on her as we speak, so the new stuff should be up soon. This is the first time I have ever made a web page, so its gonna be horrible. If ya can offer any help, that would be greatly appreciated.

nasty looks have been shot at my hearse
E-mail me.....NOW!!!!!!!!!

photo courtest of Chris "Digger Curtis